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The Station Original Mixed media painting by Alan Harris British artist, paintings, oils, watercolours, pastel, mixed media and sculptures, landscapes, portraits, nudes, expressionism. Contemporary art, modern art, figurative paintings,. Powerful and evocative this painting can be a wonderful, stunning centre piece to any home or office. Alans works and subjects all come from his imagination and engage the viewer with atmospheric detail.
W 20.00» X h 14.00»
Media: mixed media
Surface: Arches Watercolor Paper,. 140Lb (300gsm) Hot Pressed
The Station
Zeitgenössische Kunst, Malereien, Aquarell
Autor: Alan Harris
35.6 x 50.8 Zm /
14 x 20 Zoll
Themen: Verkehr / Genres: Expressionismus / Authentizität: Original vom Künstler / Künstlertypen: Professionelle Künstler / Periode: Zeitgenössisch /
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