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Time. Dave Holt Dave Holt
Time is #1 in my abstract Math & Science Series

Pure expressive, meditative, action or gestural abstraction painting, expressing the nature of time and space as they relate to math and science, as well as, the rebellious, anarchic, technological neurosis, nihilistic feelings of moving forward into the IoT, and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The mathematical formula in this painting and it's symbolism, is channeled through my subconscious in a meditative state. I have no idea what it means, but it along with the subconscious, artistic expression in this painting, projects a powerful, magnetic, meditative, seductive influence.

Signed and dated on the back.
Zeitgenössische Kunst,  Malereien,  Acryl
Autor: Dave Holt
91.4 x  3.8 x  91.4 Zm  /   36 x  1.5 x  36 Zoll
Gewicht 4.54 kg
Themen: Abstrakt  /   Genres: Expressionismus  /   Charakteristika: Serie  /   Authentizität: Original vom Künstler  /  
gepostet: 29 Oktober, 2019 / bearbeitet: 29 Oktober, 2019
Copyright Dave Holt

2.254 €  1.601 £  2.570 $ 
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Dave Holt
Dave Holt
Glendale, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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